

The MRO (certified Medical Review Officer) service 有 been expanded to fill a vital role in the overall drug-testing process.   Rutherford Regional Medical Center's MROs are licensed physicians with knowledge in the medical use of prescription drugs and the pharmacology and toxicology of illicit drugs.


  • Receives lab reports from the laboratory (as governed by regulations).
  • Reviews lab reports for integrity, authenticity, false negatives and false positives.
  • Interprets lab results, including verification of lab positives.
  • Reports lab results to employers (as defined by rules and regulations).



一到澳门皇冠体育急诊室, please direct your employee to explain the reason for their visit in detail:  "I had an accident on the job and my employer sent me for a 药物的屏幕."  Or, "I was injured on the job and my employer sent me for treatment of my injury and to have a 药物的屏幕."

This will ensure that your employee is seen as quickly as possible and in the most appropriate manner.  如果员工 有 not suffered an injury, then it is not required that he/she sees a provider.  如果员工 does not have a life-threatening injury they can be seen by our 职业医学 staff.  如果员工  been injured, we want to make sure they are seen by a provider as quickly as possible.

By explaining in detail the reason for their visit at registration, 任何不必要的延误都可以避免.  大家都知道, patients must be seen in the order of severity of symptoms, 不是按照他们到达的顺序.  Life-threatening emergencies will take precedent over non-life-threatening presentations.  Unless the employee explains the reason for their visit up front, they may experience as extended wait since higher acuity cases must be prioritized.

再一次。, the most important informaton that can be provided by your employee upon arrival to the ED is the fact that they are here due to a 与工作相关的 受伤或受伤 与工作相关的 药物的屏幕.

Please be assured that we will do our very best to see your employee as quickly as possible.  I invite you to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.


During normal business hours (8:00am - 4:30pm), call (828) 286-5508 if an employee 有 an injury.  在四点半, employee may call ED registration with the same information by calling the switchboard at (828) 286-5000 and asking for ED Registration. You will need to provide the following information on the employee:  Name, 受伤类型和账单信息.  Please also indicate if post-accident drug testing is needed.  如果需要进行药物检测, please ensure employee 有 eScreen paper work when they report for 药物的屏幕.  This will make the process much smoother for both your employee and our staff.  

如果员工因受伤进了急诊室, please contact Occ Med for follow-up appointment if needed:  (828) 286-5508.

If you need more information about 职业医学 services, 请不要犹豫与澳门皇冠体育联系:(828)286-5508.


如果你的员工在工作时间之外来急诊室, they will be directed to the 实验室 (after they register) if they need a 药物的屏幕 or blood alcohol testing.  We prefer that a supervisor accompanies the employee; however, 至少, we need something in writing stating what testing is needed (UDS or Bld Alcohol or Both).

The employee/supervisor should tell registration that they are here for workplace testing.  如果员工 is not actually hurt (doesn't need to be seen by a provider) they will be registered and directed to walk to the 实验室 to have the testing done.

*Please remember that after hours and on weekends the lab 有 limited staffing and a wait could happen if lab staff are involved with STAT/emergent testing.

(828) 286-5126 or 286-5135


(828) 245-7626


If you have questions or concerns regarding scheduling or billing, 请参考以下数字:

调度 :                           ( 828) 286 - 5380
Patient Access Supervisor:  (Please call the switchboard at 286-5000 and ask for Patient Access Supervisor)

(828) 286-5057

Located at Forest City Family Care: 212 Allendale Dr, Forest City, NC 

Call 828-286-5508 for more information or to schedule an appointment. 

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